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Wow! What a great weak it has been! I can't believe how much traffic we have had on the web site! How wonderful! Thanks to all who have stopped in to say Hello and to just look around. We appreciate your interest! And thanks to Mike for consulting with me about a bird adoption document! I hope it helped and things are going well with you and the new addition!
Neal and I are working on some good things for the site. It may take a bit to get them implemented, but once they are... wow! We have had some requests to do some things for children also, so we are slowly working on that aspect for the site as well. Thanks to all for their suggestions and input! You are awesome!
It is Friday, thank goodness! I think Neal and I are going tomorrow to pick up a freezer for our bird food. Thank goodness! The bugs have been so bad this year! Yuck! I can't wait to take the bird food out of
our freezer and put it in their own. Now we will have some space to put food for us! ::giggles::
I think on Sunday we are going to the launch of the shuttle. I can't wait! I saw the last one and wow, was it neat! I think we are going to invite our friends Walt and Judy who we are meeting tomorrow for dinner. They are nice people and we like them very much! They are into birds too and we love to chat about them! I don't think talking about birds ever gets old.
I noticed today that my female Eclectus, Scarlet, was posturing for Boo, the male. What a surprise that was! I don't think he really knew what to do, although he was preening her and making nice. I am sure, with time, he will figure it out. This is exciting news!
Everyone else is doing well. Three of the six lovebird babies have hatched. I can't wait to hand feed. I just love it!
Well, I guess that is it for now. I will write again sometime next week with all the lastest news.

Have a super, duper weekend!
Phoenix and Neal