Friday, September 22, 2006

Good Friday, Everyone!

This week has been good. My friend, Lucy, ordered some food from us. She is awesome! I truly appreciate her continuing patronage and support. Thank you, Lucy, for being our friend and promoting our new website and business!

We are going to be changing some things on the website soon. (I think I say that every time). ::giggles:: Anyway, this weekend is the time! Some of the food we are no longer going to offer and we are adding some other food. Also, we are trying to get many more supplies for birds. Neal has made these awesome perches out of Dragonwood. If you have a bird that likes to chew, this is great wood. It has bark on it that peels when you pull on it. However, the inside wood is very hard! We also used Stainless Steel for the attachments. I don't know of anyone else who does that? I have heard many complaints of people saying the hardware is rusting. So, we decided we could fix that problem. :) Go Neal! (He is so smart).

We have also put an air filter in the bird room because there is so much feather dust. I can't wait to get the aviaries built for everyone so that will not happen. It does not bother me at all, only Neal and the birds. Soon!

We have some Canary babies born. I am not sure how many yet, but I think there will be at least 3. Woohoooo! This is her first clutch and she is being a good mommy. Bless her heart! Also, we have some new Societies. 5 to be exact! Those Societies sure know how to populate! And, we have some Gouldian's that should be coming out of the nest soon. Yahooo!

The Lories are also checking out their nest box. I can't wait to see their babies! I bet they are so cute! They are so funny sometimes... no wonder they call them "hanging parrots".

Oh... before I forget... we are doing a presentation at the bird show in Orlando on the 29th of October. I can't wait! We are busy preparing with photos, short movies and lots of documentation. I think we are going to call it, Birds 101... or something like that. It should be really good for beginner bird owners. However, anyone is welcome. There may be some information bird owners are not aware of. Please come out and show us some support! (I do not do well in front of people, so this will be nerve-racking for me). But, I can't wait to share the information I know with others! What a great feeling!

Ok, I guess that is it for now. More later... :)

Have a super weekend,

Neal and Phoenix

Friday, September 15, 2006

It's me, Phoenix. :)

I hope all is well with all of you.

The bird show last weekend was good. Not as many people as we would have liked, but it still was a good show. I met a lot of interesting people and shared some of my knowledge about birds with others. That is always a good thing!

I met a wonderful lady named Elaine. She is very sweet and made Neal and I feel very good. Thanks, Elaine, for your wonderful comments and support! And we salute your little Quaker too! :)

All the birds are well. Things are progressing slowly with the breeding pairs. The lovebirds had 6 eggs but only 3 hatched. That is not like them as they have previously hatched 5 eggs. Not sure exactly what happened, but, I am currently feeding 3 beautiful babies. I believe the colors will be 1 Dutch Blue, 1 Slate and 1 Peachface. The two older ones are eating approximately 7 cc's and the youngest is eating approximately 5 cc's. I will take a photo tonight and put it on the front page. :)

I believe we may also have some Canary babies soon. And, one of the Gouldian pairs has some babies squeaking in their nest box! I am so excited! It is a bit early, but one cannot stop mother nature.

Scarlet is sitting on two eggs, but I don't think they are fertile. Neal and I are going to check this weekend and then go from there. Cross your fingers!

The Lories have been going in and out of the nest box. I don't think they are ready yet, but we shall see. They are still a bit nervous and I am not going to rush them. It seems that the zoos are buying most of the Lories these days for their exhibits. I guess that is kind of cool. They are great birds after all. I saw a pair I would have liked to have had at the show, but they were sold by the time I went back to get them. Boohoo! Oh well, when it is meant to be, it will happen. :)

This weekend should be good. We are going to help our friend, Corene, move into her new house. I am so excited for her! She has worked hard for this and deserves it! GO CORENE! :)

Well, that is it for now. I will write more next week. Neal and I will work more on the website this weekend and try to add some things we have been working on. Thanks again for your support!

Neal and Phoenix

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hello Faithful Followers! :)

I hope this blog finds all of you doing well and getting ready for another weekend.
Neal and I are well. Getting ready for the show this weekend in Green Cove Springs. We have had to do some last minute changes on things and are still rushing to get things ready to go, but I think it will be ok. I have had to work a few more days this week and so the time I would have spent getting things ready for the show was not available. That's ok, I love my job!

As for Scarlet and Boo, she has laid two eggs! I am so excited for them! I am hoping the eggs are fertile, but I don't think they are. It's ok, we can try again. Neal and I will candle the eggs in about a week or so and then decide what we will do.

The lovebird babies have all been born and are doing well. I am currently handfeeding two of them. They are eating about 4 cc's or so. They are so adorable! They are just now starting to cry for their food at the regular feeding times. It is funny how they know when to start crying. They are going to be so friendly and I hope they all get good homes.

We have added some new items to the Bird Resource pull-down menu. There is a new category for Bird Species Info and one for Bird Species Pics. I am not through adding photos though. Keep checking back as photos will be added as time allows. I hope the two lists will help people. I am always getting asked for photos of specific birds at work and so I thought these would help a lot of people.

I am also writing new articles on some interesting topics. I hope to have them updated to the site soon. Also, if you have a special request for the site, please let us know. I want to make this site a great place for people to come and learn about bird care and to ask whatever questions they want. Thanks to all who have been so wonderful in continuing to come and visit. We appreciate your support!

Neal is going to be implementing a new Shopping Cart soon. We think it will help a lot with purchases of food items. Hopefully that will be done very soon.

We are also thinking for future shows, it might be a nice idea to give a lecture on "Before You Buy a Bird". You know, just some basic steps a person needs to do before they purchase a bird. I think it is a great idea and can't wait to see if we can do it. The only thing is that I will be very nervous when I get up to talk. I have never been good at talking in front of a bunch of people. However, this is something I love and know about so I think it will be a lot easier and not as nerve-racking!

I guess that is it for now. I will write more next week and let you all know about the show and how we did. Keep your fingers crossed!

Thanks again for your support and keep coming!

Phoenix and Neal