Saturday, February 24, 2007

Good Morning, Folks!

Sorry about not writing in so long. A lot is going on in our lives and we have not kept up to date.

Well, first things first....

We are trying to find a home. Yes, it is true. We have to be out of our house by May 1st and we have been trying to find a place to call ours. The market is really good for buyers right now so there are a lot of homes out there for sure. We have looked at several. There was one we really liked but it was in contract with another person. It is a Craftsman home and is so awesome. But, that one is out unless the contract folds. So, the past few weekends we have been house hunting. Today, we are going again. This time we are looking in Mt Dora. There are a lot of homes there which have land with them. Not a lot of land, but enough to build some aviaries on. Yahooooo!

We are also going to be starting a group called, SOAR... which stands for Society of Avian Rescuers. We are going to be a not-for-profit organization that helps birds. I am so excited and cannot wait until it gets off the ground. Neal has been doing a lot of research and such to get started. There is, of course, a lot of paperwork to fill out and forms to look over. But, it will be worth it in the end. Can you believe it?????? A rescue!!!!! For Birds!!!!! What a great thing!
As I have stated before, we were thinking about not breeding parrots. So, I think we have come to the point where we will not be doing that. There are just too many out there who need good homes. As for our Finches and Canaries, we will still breed them, but in moderation. Or, as little as THEY will allow us to do. They are very good at getting their groove on, so to speak. But, there are some things we can do to limit their success.

All the birds are doing well. I did find out that Bobby has cancer. Yes, it stinks! I was so upset when the vet called and told me. But, we are making his life as comfy as possible and giving him whatever he needs. He seems to be very happy, but does get sleepy a lot and is kind of slow sometimes. I feel so bad for the little guy and wish I could have saved him a long time ago. But, it was not meant to be until it was. I am so glad we rescued him because at least he has a chance now. He would not have had that before.

We have some baby Gouldians and Canaries available. It will be a while before the babies color up, but they are gorgeous now. They are for sale. So if you are interested, please contact us.

We are doing a show next weekend in Palmetto, Florida. Should be a good one. We have never been there and are excited to be a part of it. Then, there is another show the following weekend. We have been so busy preparing for them. So much stuff to do and not enough time. Ugh! I hope you will be able to join us at the shows!

Well, that's it for now. Thanks for checking in with us and keep coming back.

Phoenix and Neal

Monday, January 22, 2007

Hi Friends!

Hope this post finds all of you doing well.

There is so much to say....

The show is fast approaching. The presentation is done. So, now we just have to figure out who is going to talk about which part and then DO IT! Woohoooo! Can't wait! This should be a good one. But, I think I like the Pet Birds 101 a bit better. I hope we get some good feedback about this one too! If you go and like the presentation, please let Mr. Tillman know. That way, we can continue doing these talks. I just love it! I do get so nervous, but, this time I think it will be ok. ::fingers crossed::

Anyway, I am sorry to say Bobby had a set back today and I had to rush him to the vet. He ended up having to have surgery to have his tumor removed. It had doubled in size and was making his cloaca protrude through his little bottom. It was bleeding and this morning he about scared me to death when he went potty. Blood squirted everywhere and although that happened, the little guy was walking around like nothing was happening. Meanwhile, I am freaking out! But, we got him in and he had his surgery this afternoon. He made it through and is now in the recovery room at the vet's office. He is doing well, so they say. He is walking around, pooping and doing what he should be. I am so proud of him. He is such a little trooper! He is so strong and really wants to live. I am going to help him the best I can. :)

My job is going well. Very exciting and well worth not getting paid. LOL! I have learned so much and really enjoy it. I am hoping eventually I will get paid. But, that remains to be seen. My boss is so awesome and really good at what he does. I know he wants to pay me, but just does not have enough at this time. I am sure it will work out.

Neal and I are trying to purchase a home. We have started the process and are looking forward to getting our own place. Yahoooooo! Our lease is up soon (May 1st) and we are hoping to have a place before then. Everyone pray for us! We really need it.

All the birds are well. They have adapted very well to my being gone during the day. Addicus and Adonis are the ones I worry about. But, they seem to be ok. I miss them so much and wish I could be home like before. But, this job is a good thing and I need to contribute to this house.... the new house too! :) I have to be prepared that this job may not work out. I want to have something lined up just in case. My boss even said that is a good idea. So, I can do almost anything. I can do data entry, filing, answering phones and all the basic office duties. Keep me in mind if you hear of something. Write me an e-mail and let me know. I would love to work for U.P.S. and have filled out an application online. But, I have not had a response. Years ago I used to work in their customer service center. It was a great job! Answering customers questions and such was very rewarding. Especially when you find their package and let them know it is on its way. I loved that part of the job! Anyway, keep me in mind if you hear of something. Thanks!

I am selling my Jeep Wrangler. I need to invest in a van which will come in handy for many reasons. If you know anyone who is interested, please contact me. It is a 1998 Jeep Wrangler 4x4. It has very low mileage and is in good condition. I am starting the price at $6,500.00, which is a steal! I have seen some older, not in good shape models sell for $4,000.00. I love this Jeep and wish I did not have to sell it. But, we need a van desperately! So, it has to go.

Ok, that is enough for now. I have to leave you on the edge of your seat wanting for more! LOL!

Thanks again for your interest!

Phoenix and Neal

Friday, January 05, 2007

We hope everyone had a great holiday and that you are now recovering from it!

Neal and I (and the birds) had a nice holiday. It was very quiet, with lots of good food and rest. We did forget the yorkshire pudding when we had the prime rib. Oops! But besides that, all was good. I made an awesome con queso that everyone loved! It was not too hot and had super flavor! YUM!
We invited our friend, Fred (my boss), over for Christmas day and New Year's day. He does not have very much family locally (as do we) and so we thought it would be nice to ask him. We watched some movies and played games. It was so fun! I bought these new games, one is called Scattergories and the other is Scrabble. We played Scattergories and had so much fun! What an intense game. We have not played the other yet, but we are having Michelle and Precious come over on Saturday night and probably will play the other game. Fun fun!

All the birds are well. My friend, Angela, is going to be taking the other lovebird I have. A sad story happened the other day and his sibling was killed. Not sure exactly what happened but have a thought that it might have been Addicus, the Cockatoo. It was very sad and I just feel for the safety of the lovebird, he needs to have another home. But, Angela has his other sibling (there were 3 in the clutch) and so this should be a good thing. We shall see.

The presentation is coming up soon and Neal is working hard trying to get it together. There is so much info out there and we only have an hour to present. But, as long as we can make it exciting and have some people listen, it will all be ok.

My boss has shown me some of the Tarantula Fang jewelry he makes. It is soooooo beautiful! They call him, "The Bug Man", and so he has several bugs, snakes and spiders at his house. The Tarantula's loose their fangs and he takes those and makes jewelry out of them. I had some on eBay but they did not sell. If you are interested, let me know and I can hook you up!

Going to be making some new changes to the web site. Keep an eye out. Did you notice we have a game on there now? It is a silly game, but kinda fun.

Ok, have to go for now. Thanks to all who have been helping and supporting us!

Phoenix and Neal

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Happy Holidays to All!

Hello friends and family! So nice to be a part of your day today. Welcome!

There has been so much going on these days with both Neal and myself.
I have started a new job. I was working at Chief's Bird Cabin but decided that was not the right job for me. But, before that, I was offered a job working as a contract agent for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. And get this, my job is Wildlife capture and release. How cool is that?!
My boss is the best guy ever! He is very funny and understanding and believes in communication.
Now, this job is very sad sometimes. Don't get me wrong. But, I am outside in the sun, can laugh with my boss AND help the wildlife. Yahooooooo!

As for Chief's, I called them Sunday night after I had the final interview and begged them to understand that I had to quit that night. I know it was horrible of me, but I really wanted this job. Chief's is a good place and they take good care of their birds, but, this is so much better for me! I do hope they understood?!

Bobby, the Conure, is doing much better. But, he has some kidney issues. I do not think he will live very much longer. The vet said to try and get him off a high protein diet so his kidneys do not have to work so hard. That is what I am trying to do but geeeeez, it is hard! Bobby has been on this diet of his for YEARS and I have been trying to get him off. HA, he says! Try again! So, we are still working on it and hopefully we will have better luck so he can live much longer!

Everyone else is great! I think we are going to pull all the nest boxes. Nothing is happening at the moment and we are thinking about not breeding any large birds anymore. Just the small guys like the Finches, Canaries, Doves, Button Quail, Lovebirds, English Budies and the Lories. I just have been thinking so much about these large birds and how much they need homes and here I would be contributing to that. It just seems silly. But, we shall see. Let me know if you have an opinion about this! Write me an e-mail.

The show is going to be in February and we are doing our presentation on "Adopting a Bird". It should be great! Please let us know your suggestions on how to make it better! We always love hearing from you!

Neal has been so busy at work! Lots going on with him! Also, he has been asked by a couple of people to do web site work! WOW! Maybe that will bring in some extra money or something. Cool! I think it is a little stressful for him. But, he is so good at it!

Anyway, have to run for now.

Love to all,

Phoenix and Neal

Monday, November 27, 2006

Hi Guys and Gals!

Hope all of you are well.

Well, what a great day it was. I started my new job at Chief's Bird Cabin. What a busy place it is! Today, I basically learned what kind of clean up they do in the morning before the store opens. And, what a bunch of work it is!
They have so many birds there! I could not believe it! In my opinion, there are too many birds! It seemed as though the birds that were hand fed, all were a bit nippy. To me, it seemed as though there should have been more time spent with the birds they already had, not with handfeeding new babies. But, what do I know?! I am not lying when I say there must have been at least 40-50 birds in the "nursery". WOW! If it were me, I would definitely just work with keeping the birds already there, more friendly. What good is it to have so many "hand fed" birds if you can hardly handle them?! Does that make sense?
Anyway, I understand it is a business and things must be done... but, I do not have to agree with the way things are done. Maybe I should mention something to them... I don't know. I truly appreciate the people! Everyone is so nice! I think they mean well for sure. I don't know.... we shall see.

Neal and I have moved some of the "breeders" into the back room where it is more private. I don't know if it will work, but time will tell all. The Lories seem to really be into eachother! They have been in and out of the nest box so much! I hope they have babies! I am so excited about it!
Since we moved the Eclecti, they have stopped their courting behavior. I guess I expected that, but it is disappointing. I am sure it will take some more time, but that is what we have.
The Caiques are still fighting during the day. Not really fighting, just not into eachother very much. But, at night, they sleep all cuddled up. I just don't get it. LOL! That is another situation that will take some time.
The Canaries are sitting on more eggs! Can you believe that? They are so good!

As for the new birds we bought a while back, they are still in quarantine. What gorgeous birds they are! One pair of Parrotlets, one pair of Gloster Canaries and one American Singer Canary. I think there is something wrong with the AS, but I am not sure. I will keep an eye out. The others all seem great! I will try to get some photos on here of them soon.

Bobby, the Blue Crown Conure, is doing much better! I am not sure if I have mentioned him, but he is the bird we rescued from these people from the last bird show. I knew something was wrong with him, but had to go through all kinds of stuff to get him. I finally did, but took him to the vet and he was sick. He also has a tumor that we have to have removed. But, not until he gains some weight. He was very skinny. So, next time we get a check up, we will decide if he is able to with stand the surgery. Poor little guy! I love him so much and hope all will be well.

Thanks, again, to all who have been supporting our site and us! We appreciate you!

Oh, by the way, a friend of mine has just recently adopted an African Grey. It is kind of a long story, but what is happening is that the bird is choosing her husband instead of her to bond with. Does anyone have any suggestions to remedy this?
I have suggested a few things, but always love to hear from others who have had this happen to them. She is sad this is happening and I just want to help as best I can. She is a great person and deserves to be happy!

Ok, I will write more later.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

What a great presentation we had yesterday at the school! The kids seemed really into it and Neal and I had a ball. We gave out feathers to those who answered the questions properly and at the end, had a wonderful time showing the kids the handfed Lovebirds and the Amazon, Pepper. The teacher gave us some wonderful feedback and said she wants to recommend us to another school! Is that cool or what?

I am so proud of Neal! He did great in preparing the slide show and he did well with his section. All the kids loved the dinosaur info and at the end, they asked us if they could have more feathers.... LOL! We had brought quite a few, so that was no big deal. Neal and I are hoping we made a difference with the kids. As in, they will remember us for a while. But, I don't know. At least we had a chance to do this and to make a difference in their lives.

A couple of the kids already had a few birds. But, they were not friendly birds and they could not be held. They were so intimidated by the Amazon. It was so funny..... she would growl at them and they would move away. Then, one of the boys finally got her up on his arm and did very well. The girls were a little more timid, but eventually gave in.

All in all, it was a great time! I hope we get to do it again!

I have made a decision.... I am going to work at Chief's Bird Cabin. They have so many birds there and it is just that much more I can learn about birds. Plus, they have a bunch of babies that need to be handfed and I LOVE THAT! I am starting in a week or so, after the holidays. I am excited about it and think it is the right idea to call The Bird Store and let them know my plans. I do not want someone else telling them and then there will be bad blood. Not like they would care or anything, but you just never know. I would rather them hear it from me.

I am also thinking of getting a job at an Avian vet. Maybe as a vet tech or something. I would love to learn the harder stuff when it comes to birds. Then, I will have a better chance at helping my own birds and getting some awesome information. WOW! We shall see what the future holds.

Anyway, just a quick update.

Write more later,

Phoenix and Neal

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Well, Good Day Everyone!

Nice to see all of you here.

What a crazy couple of weeks it has been. I hope this posting finds all of you doing well and enjoying the nice, cool weather we have been having. What a refreshing change.

Well, we did the show and WOW, what a great day it was!
Our friend, Precious, watched the booth for us while we did the presentation. I was such a nervous wreck! But, I think it went well. Many people told Mr. Tillman they wanted us back. So, we are scheduled to do 9 shows next year!!!! WOWSA! If you missed the show, I hope you will have a chance to see it next time around. We decided to make a few changes here and there, but it will mostly be the same, except better! If you did see it, please let us know how we did and what you would like to see next time.

We also did better this time around money wise. We actually made a bit. Yahoooooo! A few of my old friends, like Lee, Joe and Nancy showed up to say Hi. What a treat that was! The puppets seem to be doing well and we are ordering something new for the coming show on the 12th of November in Lakeland. It is suppose to be a good show, so we shall see. It is only held once per year, so I am assuming there will be a good turn out. The director seems to be very nice and I hope he asks us back. Also, the cool thing is that it is held in an old airplane hanger... how cool is that?! I am excited!

We also got asked to do a presentation for a 6th grade class at a local school. I am so totally excited about it! So is Neal! He has been going nuts trying to get all kinds of info that is exciting for kids. I am sure it will go well. We are also planning a little game and prizes if they get the answers right. The prizes are going to be bird feathers... how cute?! I hope they like it as much as I do!

Anyway, all the birds are well. We just adopted a Conure from someone who I don't think truly cared about him. If so, they would have known he is sick. We took him to the vet and have been treating him ever since. He is so sweet and an old guy, but he used to be a breeder which is surprising to me considering he is so nice. What a joy he is and I hope we can get him well so he can live a nice, last couple of years with us.

We have more Canary babies in the nest. The two have come out from before and one is a male. He is so pretty and I think my friend, Michelle, wants him. The mom has 5 babies in there now that she is feeding. Holy cow! But, she is a great mom and I am so proud of her!

The Lories seem to be going in and out of the nest box too. I want to move them into the back room so they have more privacy. Maybe this weekend?

Ok, I guess that is it for now. Please contact Neal or myself with any questions or concerns you may have.

Have a super day and keep in touch!