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Good Tuesday, Everyone!

I hope all of you had a good weekend!

I am getting ready for the Hurricane that is approaching. Neal is out of town, so I am trying to prepare by myself. I don't think this is going to be a big one, so I am not too worried.

As for bird news, five of the six Lovebird eggs have hatched. The babies are so cute! They are just little, fuzzy cuties!

Scarlet and Boo are doing well (the Eclectus). They have been getting more friendly with eachother and she has been posturing for him. I still don't think he knows what to do, but I am sure he will figure it out. The thing about these guys is that they are one of the hardest birds to breed, as well as Caiques. I have read this in serveral articles, books and in conversation with people. They said it is difficult for many reasons, but the main reasons are because if the Eclectus are not raised together from a young age, they will not necessarily get along (which I have found out). Also, the female with this species is very dominant over the male and if the male cannot stand his ground, she will not want anything to do with him. So, unfortunately, I have two pairs of the hardest birds to breed.
But, I am just happy Scarlet and Boo are getting along. This is a big step and I am sure, with time, they will have babies... :)
Kiko and Peanut (the Caiques), are still not hanging out together during the day, but at night, they sleep right next to eachother. This, too, is a big step as he tried to "kill" her in the beginning. I am sure this is another situation that may take a while to bring about. But, that is ok as I have all the time in the world. And, I just think they are beautiful creatures and even if they don't mate, I will love them anyway.

The Gouldian's are building their nests and courting their mates. What an awesome site it is! I have been dosing everyone with their vitamins, minerals and giving them lots of other goodies they will feed their babies with when they finally arrive. I think we are going to have some awesome colors this season. I can't wait to see what pops up!

The show is quickly approaching! I really enjoy going to these shows and helping others with their birds. What a great feeling! I really do try to be helpful and answer everyone's questions. It is hard sometimes to remember where each bird comes from, etc., but if I don't know the answer, I can certainly find out. :)

Neal found a neat document we are going to frame and bring to each bird show. It is called, "A Parrot's Bill of Rights". What a neat document it is and I can't wait to hang it! It is sad that a lot of people at the bird shows really don't want to know about birds.. or care to. They just want to find a breeder or find a bird for their child, and they don't do any research before hand and then stick them in a tiny cage, assuming the bird does not have any feelings. That makes me sad. But, if I can change people's attitudes, even a little bit, I am going to try!

Ok, I wish you all a wonderful day and I will write more soon.

Thanks for looking!

Neal and Phoenix