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Good Friday, Everyone!

This week has been good. My friend, Lucy, ordered some food from us. She is awesome! I truly appreciate her continuing patronage and support. Thank you, Lucy, for being our friend and promoting our new website and business!

We are going to be changing some things on the website soon. (I think I say that every time). ::giggles:: Anyway, this weekend is the time! Some of the food we are no longer going to offer and we are adding some other food. Also, we are trying to get many more supplies for birds. Neal has made these awesome perches out of Dragonwood. If you have a bird that likes to chew, this is great wood. It has bark on it that peels when you pull on it. However, the inside wood is very hard! We also used Stainless Steel for the attachments. I don't know of anyone else who does that? I have heard many complaints of people saying the hardware is rusting. So, we decided we could fix that problem. :) Go Neal! (He is so smart).

We have also put an air filter in the bird room because there is so much feather dust. I can't wait to get the aviaries built for everyone so that will not happen. It does not bother me at all, only Neal and the birds. Soon!

We have some Canary babies born. I am not sure how many yet, but I think there will be at least 3. Woohoooo! This is her first clutch and she is being a good mommy. Bless her heart! Also, we have some new Societies. 5 to be exact! Those Societies sure know how to populate! And, we have some Gouldian's that should be coming out of the nest soon. Yahooo!

The Lories are also checking out their nest box. I can't wait to see their babies! I bet they are so cute! They are so funny sometimes... no wonder they call them "hanging parrots".

Oh... before I forget... we are doing a presentation at the bird show in Orlando on the 29th of October. I can't wait! We are busy preparing with photos, short movies and lots of documentation. I think we are going to call it, Birds 101... or something like that. It should be really good for beginner bird owners. However, anyone is welcome. There may be some information bird owners are not aware of. Please come out and show us some support! (I do not do well in front of people, so this will be nerve-racking for me). But, I can't wait to share the information I know with others! What a great feeling!

Ok, I guess that is it for now. More later... :)

Have a super weekend,

Neal and Phoenix